Free Workshop


    Is this one of those get-rich-quick courses with hard-selling tactics?

    I’ll be brutally honest with you, I’m a trader by profession, not a motivational speaker or salesman. This means that I do not possess the skills to motivate people to change their lives, I merely provide the facts and strategies to you; I’m not good at selling people with the luxurious lifestyle dreams and get-rich-quick guarantees. The only thing I can do is to help serious traders who want to make an income through trading by teaching my exceptionally powerful trading strategies. The very same strategies that helped me to make a sizable profit for myself and my own investment clients. It is not recommended for people who want to make easy money without committing time and effort to learning. But if you're looking for a down-to-earth mentor who does not tolerate nonsense and a trading strategy that is consistently profitable, I sincerely invite you to find out more by attending my FREE workshop, no obligations or hard-selling of any kind. There will be no get-rich-dream selling or product placements – just a guide of my current trading tactics and a glimpse into proprietary trading practices, something which you will not experience online or learning from a book.

    Why teach others your strategies if you are as profitable as you say? Why not just make money off the markets ?

    After eight years of trading my own capital and three years of asset management for my clients, I realised trading is a lonely profession, you lose touch of all social activity; it’s all just chart and numbers. It is my hope of starting my own circle of like-minded trader friends instead of talking business all the time with my corporate life. Now, my students and I laugh at chat about our trade setups every single day and we learn from each other. Yes, I do find out new things from time to time even though I’m a seasoned professional in this field. It is a really fulfilling experience to help others succeed in a profession you are passionate about. I still trade the markets every day without fail and I face the same challenges my students face even as a professional trader, but it is easier than getting over your losses alone, and more joyful to share your wins with others. When you ask me any market related questions at my FREE workshop during the Q&A, you will know that I’m being honest with whatever I said above. And if you see the value in my trading strategies, you're welcome to join my programme and trading circle. I hope you give yourself a chance to learn if this strategy suits you.

    So hit the SIGN UP button now and I’ll see you at my free workshop

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